Nonpartisan League

Nonpartisan League
Беспартийная лига
Радикальная организация фермеров северных районов Среднего Запада [Midwest]. Создана в 1915 в Северной Дакоте по инициативе социалиста А. Таунли [Townley, Arthur Ch.]. Выступала за передачу зерновых элеваторов и фабрик по переработке сельхозпродукции в ведение властей штата и введение государственного страхования фермерских хозяйств от убытков. Выступала за ограничение экономического господства крупного капитала (особенно в области железнодорожных перевозок и банковского дела). Программа Лиги была осуществлена в 1919 в Северной Дакоте, где кандидат от Лиги Л. Фрейзер [Frazier, Lynn J.] избирался на пост губернатора в 1916, 1918 и 1920. В 1922 Лига вошла в Конференцию прогрессивного политического действия [Conference for Progressive Political Action]. Достигла некоторых успехов в соседних штатах, но общий кризис фермерских хозяйств, последовавший за первой мировой войной, а также недоверие к социалистам привели к падению ее значения уже к 1924.
тж National Nonpartisan League

English-Russian dictionary of regional studies. 2013.

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Смотреть что такое "Nonpartisan League" в других словарях:

  • Nonpartisan League — For the adjective used to describe various United States organizations and elections, see nonpartisan. The Nonpartisan League (NPL) was a political organization founded in 1915 in the United States by former Socialist Party organizer A. C.… …   Wikipedia

  • Nonpartisan League — a political organization of farmers, founded in North Dakota in 1915, and extending to many states west of the Mississippi, with the aim of influencing agricultural legislation in state legislatures. * * * Alliance of U.S. farmers to gain… …   Universalium

  • Nonpartisan League — (inglés: liga independiente). Alianza estadounidense de agricultores cuyo objeto era obtener protección contra los monopolios de trigo. Fue fundada por Arthur Townley en 1915, en Dakota del Norte y exigía que los molinos, los elevadores de granos …   Enciclopedia Universal

  • Nonpartisan League — a political organization of farmers, founded in North Dakota in 1915, and extending to many states west of the Mississippi, with the aim of influencing agricultural legislation in state legislatures …   Useful english dictionary

  • North Dakota Democratic-Nonpartisan League Party — North Dakota Democratic NPL Party Chairman Greg Hodur Senate leader Ryan Taylor House leader Jerry Kelsh …   Wikipedia

  • Nonpartisan — This article is about the political science term. For the United States tax and election law designation, see Nonpartisan (American organizations). In political science, nonpartisan denotes an election, event, organization or person in which… …   Wikipedia

  • league — league1 /leeg/, n., v., leagued, leaguing. n. 1. a covenant or compact made between persons, parties, states, etc., for the promotion or maintenance of common interests or for mutual assistance or service. 2. the aggregation of persons, parties,… …   Universalium

  • League — (as used in expressions) Ivy League Little League National Hockey League National Football League Nonpartisan League …   Enciclopedia Universal

  • League of Women Voters — of the United States Founder(s) Carrie Chapman Catt Type Political advocacy Founded 1920 Location …   Wikipedia

  • League of Women Voters — a nonpartisan organization that works toward improving the political process: created in 1920 to inform women on public issues. Abbr.: LWV * * *       nonpartisan American political organization that has pursued its mission of promoting active… …   Universalium

  • League of Women Voters — a nonpartisan organization that works toward improving the political process: created in 1920 to inform women on public issues. Abbr.: LWV * * * League of Women Voters, a nonpartisan women s political organization founded in 1920. Abbr: LWV (no… …   Useful english dictionary

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